Monday, March 30, 2009

365 Project

It's time that I shoot for myself again. I spend so much time photographing my beautiful and wonderful clients, and I'm forever grateful to share my passion with my clients. And, still, I find that my camera is packed away, or somehow not accessible for the daily moments in my own life that are so sweet. So I've started a project for myself. For my family. Every day, for one year, I'll take one photo. I'll capture their goofy expressions, the silly stuff, and the quickly passing days. I will have them to look back on when I'm old and in a nursing home. My kids can pass them down for generations (um, if I print them). No, I mean, when I print them. Photos on disk are dangerous. They are just bits and bytes. Only a print is there to be valued. Okay, off that tangent... When I print them. My kids will have them to pass on to their kids. This project is about my family. It's about my kids. It's about the people who I love the most in this entire world. It's about focusing on what matters. ;)

I'm posting all of them in a folder on facebook... go ahead and "friend" me if you want to see them all. :) Here are just a few from the first week.

Oh, and the added bonus... it's sparking my creativity, forcing me to try new things, and I'm learning to shoot outside my comfort zone. All of these will make me a better and more creative photographer.

1 comment:

Kara May said...

I love all of these images Julie!! That second one is so fun!! Love the lines in the first one. And the last one is too cute!!