The Christmas cards have officially started to arrive in our mailbox, and I LOVE it. I especially love seeing the ones with photos to see how people and kids have changed.
This is just a friendly reminder that it's not too late to order holiday cards from your session this year. Or, if you don't want to do a card through me, you're welcome to purchase a digital file (which includes copyright license) from your session so you can print as many as you want.
Please be aware that it is illegal to scan prints and make your own copies. I don't want to be the copyright police, but I also know that a lot of people really don't understand the copyright laws. So here's my public service announcement on the topic. ;) In essence, when you purchase a photograph from any professional photographer, you purchase the single photograph and the right to display it in your home, office, etc. It does not give you the right to reproduce it in any way. I know lots of people do this, and some do so without knowing that it is wrong. Illegal, actually. And it's punishable by law with fines up to $150,000.
If you do want to make multiple copies, please let me know, and I'd be happy to sell you a digital file that allows you to do so with better quality, too. In doing so, you can keep a clear conscience and be a good role model for your kids when you teach them that stealing is wrong.